mezcal, mochi, & marachis
august 2024
olive tyrell
july 26 2024
oda a las flores
hector armendariz martinez
july 2024
larry mclaughlin
may 17 2024
animal party
larry mclaughlin
el color en la mirada
hector armendariz martinez
brigitte balbinot
poetry of flowers
ali lanenga
delightful beasts
larry mclaughlin
el poder de la mirada
hector armendariz martinez
austin elizabeth
after the rain the garden grows
geraldine gillingham
bird brain
larry mclaughlin
aesthetics of (mis)Use
jay hall
ears & whiskers
larry mclaughlin
a tribute to bees
Wild Hares and Domestic Hogs
Animals with Attitude
Larry McLaughlin
Fragments I
Kevin Palme
Heirloom Seeds & Pollinators
coco, hunt slonem, lucy peveto
From the beginning of time nature has blessed us with the gift of regeneration, through seeds we can propagate for continual sustenance. Many of these seeds have been lost through the last few generations. The focus of this show is to bring awareness about heirloom seeds and how we can resurrect their importance in the ecosystem. Supporting small seed exchange groups and planting your own seeds to harvest more to spread the wealth is a wonderful process. Ancient seeds that have merged across different continents over time are an inspiration for much of the artwork created for this venue.
We are donating part of the proceeds to a select group of seed banks and sanctuaries for pollinators including:
Scatter Seed Project
Seed Savers Exchange
All The Gold In The Sunset
Lucy Peveto
Ocean Show
Realm Of The Rowdy Mermaid
The gallery is hosting a tribute to the great oceans or the world. This show is devoted to raising awareness and solutions to protect our waters. All of the paintings have been created to help generate funds for Oceana and Sea Shepherd, two amazing ocean conservancy groups who work tirelessly to keep our waters healthy and our animals protected. Join us in this important mission to promote sustainability for sea life and our planet at large.
Bring Back the Bees!
The gallery hosted a show to accentuate the vastly essential role bees have on the planet. Seven talented artists have created beautiful pieces to honor the bees. Colony collapse disorder has been directly linked to harmful pesticides that are extremely toxic for the bees. Neonicotinoids have been responsible for the critically dangerous decline of bee colonies.
We encourage people to help the bees flourish by choosing to eat organic foods and by being pro active creating nurturing environments for the bees planting organic gardens. Here is a list of plants that bees are particularly fond of: borage, golden rod, lemon balm, crocus, phlox, columbine, bee balm, asters, lavender echinacea, milkweed, honeysuckles, butterfly bushes, and all types of flowering fruit and nut trees.
Let us celebrate and assist these beautiful beings back into balance in the world. They help the whole food chain flourish as important pollinators. Rise to the occasion to give back to them!
coco valentina's
Everything that glimmers for the holidays.
coco valentina's
"Les Papillons et Les Choses Qui Volent"
The Show at 520 Canyon Road has been curated to pay tribute to Butterflies. They are an integral part to our ecosystem. We want to raise awareness about the importance they have in our world and what you can do to help them flourish. "He said that we belonged together because he was born with a flower and I was born with a bitterfly and that flowers and butterflies need each other for survival" - Gemma Malley
Butterflies have an important role in our ecosystem and our role is just as important in supporting them. They have a 10-day to 2-week lifespan where their role is fundamental in cross-pollinating. You can support them by planting a wide selection of plants: Hollyhock, Lavendar, Lilac, Mint, Sage, Pansies, Phlox, Cornflower, Dragon Snaps, Echinacea, Globe Thistle, Pink Clove, Allium, Asters, Golden Rod, Zinnias, Sedum, Milkweed, Lemon Balm, Catnip and Fennel.