hector armendariz martinez

Juntos para siempre
52 x 66

67 x 52 in SOLD




21 x 21 SOLD

21 x 21 SOLD

21 x 21 SOLD

espiritu noble 21 x 21 SOLD
Hector Armendariz Martinez is a traditional artist whose academic training brings together both the rigor of classic expression and the magic of symbolic representation. His work combines a sense of the mystic with subtle eroticism. While accepting the finality of the past, this artist gives us a vision of the future.
He is not an easily accessible artist…” to be good, one has to be dedicated, to be excellent the artist must live his own creation with heart and soul”
Hector interrupted his architectural studies in order to study art in Europe. While there his work was profoundly influenced by European professors. He became an architect, although he never gave up his ambition to be a fine artist. He works with purpose and direction exhibiting the process of bringing shape to shapelessness.
The variety of styles in his persevering work continues being a silent debate between sublime entities scattered on a canvas and real human beings detailed in natural settings.
Hector's splendid talent and new vision creates colorful moments in typical flower markets in the ambience of his Mexico-Magico. This artist’s versatility manages to show us through an Indian’s gaze the vast horizon, as well as allow us to have tactile sensations on a polychromatic diversity of fabrics and textures.
Hector is a huge animal advocate and spends a large portion of his sales helping save street dogs in Mexico.